Today was the first day of school and it was kinda exiting and cool but it still sucks almost as much as it did last year. But, hey, I have only two years of school left now! That sounds... long. I hope I'll survive without crying attacks and fights (as if, haha...).
Well, I have this awesome new velvet tee and I love it but I HAD NO CLUE HOW TO WEAR IT so I spent the last two hours on tumblr searching for some inspiration but I failed and then I decided to clean up my room and found these trousers and they match perfectly (or maybe I was just depressed and made myself believe they match with the top). I have searched for similar trousers so I was pretty surprised and happy when I found these in my room - I completely forgot about them, I think I never wore them at all. Although that kind of trousers makes your butt appear huge, I still like them - they are kinda 90ies and comfy and I think they are cool. The shoes (which you are probably pretty tired of) are DIYed and all the pins in my hair are gifted or from my childhood and I think they light up the outfit a bit... dunno. And, speaking of hair, you may have noticed it's shorter than in the last post - I went to the hairdresser, and I really miss my hair, although I like how healthy it looks now. And I played around with the editing program, that's why the color is that weird.
I bought a new record, by the way! It's "Hotel California" by The Eagles and the quality is totally excellent, I basically listen to it all day long. (and all night long).
Yeah, I hope you are alright.