It was really hard not to freak out while taking these pictures, I'm just too happy with my pizza shirt! I mean, there's a slice of pizza on it? How could I not freak out?! Obviously, pizza is my favorite food, well, actually, one of my favorite things ever. Therefore, I decided to dedicate a blog post completely to the most heavenly taste on earth. Pizza is probably one of the best things mankind has achieved so far. Just imagine sitting on your bed under a huge blanket with a pizza box on your lap and the smell of a hot cheesy pizza... It is paradise! And there are so many kinds of pizza. I could probably never eat anything else but Pizza. Pizza for breakfast is the best way to start the day, guys.
Well, one day, being hungry as always, I thought of pizza (that was hard to guess.). And then, all of the sudden, I had that amazing brainwave. So I went thrifting and bought the ugliest turtleneck ever. I cut off the collar and the sleeves and sewed the pizza patch which I made before on it. I can't put it off since then. The only problem is, it makes me so hungry when I look down!
I am also wearing black lipstick for some ~vibes~, some old DIYed cut-offs, black tights (the most boring yet most worn garment) and the holographic boots my boyfriend gave me for christmas. Wearing these always makes me really happy cause, you know, what's better than tiny rainbows everywhere you go?
Right now, I'm listening to Pizza party tonight for approximately the hundredth time and have been getting so hungry while searching for pizza on tumblr (probably a bad idea). But can we, for a moment, appreciate the fact that finally someone wrote a song about pizza? Applause to the Aquadolls! (does anyone know them? can we fangirl just for a second? They are super cool.) Aaaand you know what else is super cool? Pizza.
no source, sorry.
This AMAZING patch is available here and I LOVE IT SO MUCH I NEED IT.
My lovely cat even joined me while taking pictures. Unfortunately, she hates it when I lift her up, so she wasn't too pleased. So please ignore the fact that she's highfiving my face.
When I looked at this picture, I realized that in this picture, the three best things on earth are combined. David Bowie, or more precisely, Major Tom incorporated by the boots, a slice of Pizza on the shirt and a cat! And then on my endless journey through the depths of tumblr, I found this and completely freaked out.
Okay I needed a few minutes to calm down but I'm back again. I'm so ridiculously hungry, writing this post was a mistake.
Lots of love.