Oct 31, 2012

A girl with kaleidoscope eyes

Hey my loves! All those pictures were shot today, I am currently at the North sea with my family. We will spend our vacation here. I've been here quite often, about four times, so I have so many memories, childhood and stuff. It is so incredibly beautiful here - the landscape is totally amazing. In the next few days, you will see many more pictures from here. If you will ever make your way to Germany, GO TO THE NORTH SEA. It's awesome.




  1. Wunderschöne Bilder. Sieht einfach Traumhaft aus! Nur Meer und Dünen, dass ist fantastisch! Des nächste Mal bin ich dabei. Hab' ein paar schöne Tage und komm' gesund, glücklich und erholt wieder zurück.

    Peace out

    P.s. Bring mir etwas Sand mit :b

  2. Ich liebe Deutschland <3 I'm going there in the sumer of '14, and I am soooo excited!

  3. Gorgeous pictures!!! Totally loved them.

  4. I went to the North Sea in the spring of last year, and it was absolutely FREEZING and so windy. It was gorgeous, but I had to retreat to a pub to eat fries, in order to truly appreciate it. Lovely lovely photos x
