Jan 10, 2013

We all chase something and maybe this is a dream the timeless face of a rock and roll, even when you forget to feel.

Hello. Thank you for all the supercute comments I got for my last post! I am happy that you liked the pictures. 
Sorry for looking ugly in that picture - I am slightly sick currently. Usually, I take about six pictures and two of them are nice enough to post them - today, I made then pictures and not a single picture looked good. Anyways, my outfit. My Kennedy Space center top is thrifted and one of my favorite pieces at all. My goggly eyes tights are DIYed and unfortunately, a little bit broken, but I love them, though. My collared shirt is also thrifted. And I am wearing a necklace which you can't see, but it's from primark. 
This outfit is nothing spectacular, but I still love it. It's comfy and somehow badass. 

I today watched Freaks and Geeks for the first time. I fell in love. It's so incredibly amazing and those characters are so cool! I can relate to this show so much, I feel exactly the same way about school sometimes. 

Obviously, I have nothing exiting to tell you. So I'll stop now.

Hope you are all fine,



  1. I like how you wore the tshirt over the shirt it looks cool. And isn't freaks and geeks such a cool show! I love it.

  2. Great outfit - those tights look pretty rad (and it's a DIY - whaaaaat?). Freaks and Geeks is a great show and I wish they could have kept it going longer. Oh well, that's how life goes.



  3. Coming from somebody younger than you this is ridiculous but you are adorable! I really enjoy your blog! x
    Those tights are freaking AWESOME.



  4. freaks and geeks is the bomb! i love the show to death and the characters too. they have a special place in my heart, hahah. your tights are pretty cool, by the way!

  5. I haven't yet watched freaks and geeks, but it sounds pretty cool. Your outfit is pretty awesome, I love your googly eye tights:)I tried glueing fake jewels onto mine, but they just fell off:( That tshirt is kind of really mesmorizing.

  6. I'm so in love with your shirt, it can't be healthy

    grüße aus hamburg


  7. Awesome outfit! Will definitely check out freaks and geeks! sounds like something I'll enjoy! :)

  8. Love your thrifted Kennedy Space Centre T-shirt! Those studded tights too. Freaks & Geeks is one of m,y favourite shows. I wish it could've had more seasons though. Anyhoo, Loving your outfit girl!

  9. Hey! Zuerst mal leibe ich dein Outfit! Und dann habe ich noch eine Frage: Wo gehst du Thriften? Ich hab nämlich bisher keinen guten Thrift- Shop gefunden. Ich hoffe du kannst mir weiterhelfen.
    - Sophia

    1. hey, thank you so much!
      I love to thrift in a little independent store near my hometown, as there aren't any salvation armys in germany, as you know. I suggest going to fleamarkets, the clothes there are dirt cheap and vintage and look amazing! Good luck. <33
