Hello guys.
I have been thinking a lot, lately. About feminist issues, myself, how to deal with teenage hormones. And, come to it, this blog. I don't have that much fun I used to have with this whole blogging-thing. I have no time to blog regularly, and although this blog is constantly growing, I feel kinda insecure. Don't get me wrong - it's not like I care about what people here think of my style. I feel like my blog is nothing special - there are so many blogs so much better than mine and I feel like my blog is just me trying to be cool. But it feels narcisstic and pretty much like I have to do it. I really want to change something about this blog. Maybe the layout, I have also been thinking about a new name. Do you guys have any wishes? Something you would like to see here more often? Do you want playlists, or more fashion, or less daily-life-blahblah? I would really appreciate some nice, helpful comments.
Okay! Well, fashun talk. I made this vest on Saturday and I really like how it turned out! I think it will change constantly, although - I'll get new badges, patches or fake flowers and everything will find a place. I had a giant badge-making session on Friday, you can see some of them above. I love making badges, as it is really easy and they look pretty amazing, in my opinion. This vest is similar to my customized jeans jacket - it's full of badges and stuff, and it really tells who I am and what I like - which is why I feel kinda great wearing it. I'm planning to buy some patches from etsy. But if anyone of you makes patches and wants a few badges in return, we could do a swap which would be really awesome! Well, I am also wearing my vein tights and my thrifted Space shirt, which is a cozy and weird and kinda nice combination which I wear really often (too often, actually). The crown is DIYed and the shoes from a fleamarket.
A ghost, a cupcake, Leonardo diCaprio in "Romeo and Juliet" which is THE BEST MOVIE EVER I AM SERIOUS, and Frida Kahlo.
Tim Curry in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" which is really awesome and stuff.
I hope you are all fine. <3