Aug 3, 2012

Trend spotting: psychedelic

Why not try an "old" trend? Psychedelic prints were popular in the 90ies and in the early 2000s, and they got a revival in men's fashion this year. But unfortunately, tie dye prints weren't mentioned often enough. Tie dye prints feature a nice psychedelic vibe, but also a hippie vibe as they are very colorful. Tie Dye tops can be styled very easily with black leggins or jeans, but remember to put an accent on your shoes. I especially like trainers with these prints (and my ASOS flatforms, available here). The print top would loose some of its magic with just Ked's thrown on, I think. Magic is just the perfect description for Tie Dye tops :D Tie Dye shorts are basically the same thing: Style them with a simple black top ( maybe tied? ) and eye-catching golden jewelery. Eye-catching golden jewelery. That's important.

3. Asos

have a nice day :)

xoxo, Mary


  1. hey, dankeschön für das Kompliment : )
    Einen Blogaward bekommt man von einem Blogger und gibt ihn dann sozusagen am 5 andere Blogger weiter, um sie bekannter zu machen.

    Den nächsten Award kann ich ja dir weitergeben, jedoch vergebe meine Awards meist nur an meine Leser : )
    Also, würde mich freuen, wenn du mir folgst! ♥

  2. Natürlich, ich glaub dir ♥ und danke! c:
